Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Health and Social Care Act Essay

Legislation Health and Social occupy Act the Medicines Act and The Misuse of Drugs Act. Guidelines could include the Nursing Midwifery Guidelines for the anxiety of medicine administration registered nurses defy to abide by this set of guidelines and for stipendiary c arrs, the General Social C be Councils Code of Conduct result have something which could relate to music. Policy for example consider the G all overnments drive to ensure citizenry with dementia are not over medicated so their policy is currently designed to push the professionals responsible for prescribing to tolerate in mind the effect of drugs on frail elderly people and to consider alternative treatments such as activities and therapies. Other examples of policy force be the Governments drive to limit the prescribing of antibiotics to reduce the relative incidence of resistant strains of bacteria. Protocols a protocol is a procedure and you could outline your participations procedure (protocol) for disposing of controlled drugs or medication in general.2- Know just about common types of medication and their use.Antibiotics- The most common side effects of antibiotics modify the digestive dodge. These occur in around 1 in 10 people. Side effects of antibiotics that affect the digestive system include world sickfeeling sickdiarrheabloating and indigestion abdominal muscle inflictionloss of appetiteIbuprofen- Ibuprofen tramp cause a fare of side effects.For this reason, take lowest realistic dose of iso saveylphenyl propionic acid for the shortest possible time needed to control your symptoms. Common side effects of ibuprofen includenausea (feeling sick)vomiting (being sick) looseness (passing loose, watery stools)indigestion (dyspepsia)abdominal (tummy) painAntihistamine- Common side effects of first-generation antihistamines includedrowsinessafflicted thinkingdry mouthdizzinessconstipationblurred great dealan inability to fully empty the bladder (urinary retention)Drug s like insulin (blood has to be taken from a pinprick so that glucose can be measured before the insulin can be given) warfarin to thin the blood again blood levels must(prenominal) be checked regularly digoxin to slow and steady the emotional state (pulse should be checked prior to administration and advice taken if the pulse dips at a lower place 60 beats per minute) Common adverse reactions might be diarrhoea (some antibiotics for example) skin rashes nausea through to serious adverse reactions such as anaphylactic shock (facial swelling, blistering of the skin, wheezing and hives) leading to total system collapse and (if not treated with adrenalin) death. The different routes of medication administration are orally, injection/intravenous, creams, and liquids. 3- Understand procedure and techniques for the administration of medication. The required information from prescriptions and medication administration charts are medication name, the name of the person the mediation i s ordained for, dosage, frequency/PRN and medication strength. 4- Prepare for the administration of medication.Standard precautions for transmitting control would be hand washing, ppe forexample gloves and aprons etc.In a structured health care setting, medication would be administered to the patient or resident or client by a nurse, such as an RN or LPN whoever was assigned to be the med nurse. In separate facilities, medication is administered by persons with med certs (certification training to administer meds). Its a rattling specific, precise duty. Meds are secured in locked rooms, areas, and carts. No one is allowed approaching except the med nurse or scheduled med cert. (person). Meds have to be administered in the correct dosage, which can only be according to a refers prescription. Dosage cannot be altered unless a doctor alters or updates the Rx. The person administering the meds must observe the person they administer them to and ensure that they took them. Pocketi ng meds (in the cheek), or refusing meds are handled according to the persons meds and orders. Sometimes it is marked as declined / refused meds. Sometimes, it is documented that they did not swallow it initially and had to be encouraged, etc. or whatever happened according to the facilities guidelines. Meds are constantly, and must be, administered and documented accurately when they are administered (contemporaneously). Meds are prescribed to be given sometimes at legitimate intervals.If the med is a few minutes late, no one is to assume that it was already administered, and skip it. Likewise, if it is offered a little early and that is appropriate according to the order, the med, or the patient request, etc. and it is not documented correctly and contemporaneously, and a fleck dose is administered, assuming it is on time, and assuming falsely that it was not latterly administered (upon request or whatever the circumstances were), then the patient would have been given an inco rrect dosage, more than they were prescribed. You know that with some meds, that could be very a very serious overdose, sometimes terminal. They do try to localise many checks and balances in place to prevent as much humanity error as possible, but it can happen. The consequences are usually comely severe. A med cert would automatically lose their med certification, and they would be disciplined up to, and including, termination.With a licensed nurse, Im not as sure of the procedure, but Im fairly certain it would definitely include account the med error orabuse, suspension without pay, an internal (or perhaps external) investigation, and disciplinary actions up to and including termination. Also, unauthorized access and theft of prescription medications whether by the assigned med nurse, or an outside party, would automatically involve criminal charges. And of course, criminal charges are always a possibility in the other two scenarios I presented preceding(prenominal) for me d certs and nurses, depending on the laws, the circumstances, and the outcome of the investigations. Like I said, very serious consequences. And its not like someone could just take a med and it could go unnoticed. med admin documentation is reviewed / audited at least daily, if not more often, and if someone was surmise of confiscating meds, such as narcotics, the building, in some agencies would go into lock-down and staff could / would be subjected to a search.

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